

Here is a list of some of the projects I am most interested in.

Convert audo files to MP3 (copyDirToMP3)

Convert [and copy] an entire directory tree of audio (music) files to a new location.

This is a perl based application developed to run in UNIX that is essentialy a wrapper for several audio conversion programmes. I wrote it so that I can keep all my bought music and ripped CDs as raw audio files with associated music art work in a secure loaction away from children's fingures. The programme (copyAudioDirToMP3) copies the entire directory structure to a new location and converts all audio files to a specific MP3 format suitable to our iPods and other MP3 players.

Description, useage, and source is available here.



Data Network Lab

I have a small data network that I use to simulate networks and to test. It has the following high level components:

- External network to simulate the Internet.
- External DMZ network which is protected from the External and Internal networks by a Firewall.
- Internal DMZ network which is accessible only from the Internal networks and protected by a Firewall.
- NATed Internal Network protected by a Firewall.

The above is achieved using two Cisco Routers.

The DMZs have a range of servers which I am migrating to a single Ubuntu Server with a 2.6TByte Raid 5 disk array. Services include:
- external DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, OpenVPN, PPTP, SMTP, NTP, SIP, and a Web 100.
- Internal services include IMAP, and Samba.

Future plans include setting up a simulated national data network of 5 routers with various link speeds to simulate network latency.

VoIP Network Lab

In the above network I have a large range of IP Telephony products uncluding: OpenSER SIP Server, TRIX PABX, Free Switch SIP PABX, Cisco AS5300 VoIP Gateway, Cisco 2600 with FXO and FXS, Sipura SPA 3000 SIP ATA, and a large range of IP Telephones and some commercial SoftPABXs under test.

QoS and IP performance Tools

I wrote an application that to enabled AARNet's large VoIP nework to provide toll quality telephony across a network that essentialy had no QoS. The application was comprised of several components:

- Client Server based application written in perl. Clients get configuration from server and conduct active measurements of the network. Changes in performance are reported back to Server.
- The Server can configure a Cisco based H.323 Gatekeeper to route telephone calls around points of congestion in an IP Network.
- There is a graphing application so support staff can see the state of the network and view historical graphs of the measurements by the clients.

In the future I hope to get the application working again on a test lab and publish it.

I running a web100 server which you are welcome to try. You will require certail ports open to your work station for it to work.

Conference Booking Application

This is an application with a Web user interface with some Java Script and an SQL back end on a UNIX server that allows users to book conferences.

The web interface enables users to specify the type of conference and the time required. The aopplication will then allocate the resources for the conference and email the user the details.

I had this installed on a server but it is no linger available as I am moving to a new server. I plan to get this working again and document how it works.